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FREE email challenge to learn how to open up the lines of communication, draw him back into the conversation, and turn nagging into powerful requests.

7 Conversation E-Book
FREE E-Book to help you communicate and be heard to revitalize your connection as a couple.

“I’ve come from dysfunction as most of us have. I’ve done traditional counseling and coaching with alternative medicine practitioners. I was introduced to Kim through a mutual friend. What we have been able to accomplish together in less than six weeks is more than I have accomplished in years of therapy. I really needed someone who understood what the situation was clearly in a very short amount of time and Kim is able to do that, dissecting away the clutter to find the true issue at hand. Without judgment and without leaving my sessions feeling as though the challenge of change would be overwhelming. I’ve left every session with the ability and tools to immediately start a new way of processing and living life. She is incredibly talented and has a gift that is rare. I cannot recommend this woman enough for those who are truly ready to see the truth about themselves and to become the person they want to be and live the life that they’ve always truly wanted. I speak from the heart when I say Kim’s gift will help save you. Kim’s insights will help you see the world as it was meant to be.”
Grateful in California
“I had lost my dad, by a couple of weeks, when I started coaching with Mrs. Brenner. I was in a dark and fearful place. I was convinced that I would never leave this place of fear…. I was paralyzed from the pain of losing my dad. Mrs. Brenner, in one session, helped me start to heal through her Compassionate and thought provoking coaching. I was not prepared to feel like my ‘old self’ so quickly, but I did. And I continued to find peace and healing from the dark hole I found myself in….depression and anxiety. Since that first session Mrs. Brenner continues to be the source of comfort and refuge for me. I look forward to our discussions because I know I will feel immeasurably better and stronger. Not only does she help me get to the root of my issues but then provides me with tools to conquer them! That is so incredibly empowering! Recently I had a friend tell me that she didn’t expect to see light in my eyes again…Mrs. Brenner helped me find peace in my dad’s passing and gave me back that ‘light’ for living. My family and I were always being eternally grateful for that gift.”
XO Mae
“My husband and I came to Mrs. Brenner right before his deployment to seek help with some trust issues we were encountering. We grew to love her encouragement and insight into the issue and really began to rely on her advice. We began to refer to her as the “Marriage Whisperer”. Today my husband and I have reached understandings and healings we thought we would never reach. With her help we have overcome our obstacles and are closer than ever. Many thanks to Mrs. Brenner and her practice!
“Mrs. Brenner helped save our marriage. As a military couple we must deal with all of the stress that comes from a military life. This stress was causing many problems in our home life and now we know exactly how to deal with them thanks to her insightful advice. She made us feel welcomed and confortable and we had no problem opening up to her. She is a genuinely kind person and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone that needs someone to talk to.”
Mr. & Mrs. Gray
“Mrs. Brenner is such a wonderful counselor. I have loved every session since the beginning. She has taught me so much about the most important person in my life, ME! Everything I learned from her I will continue to use for the rest of my life. Thank you so much Mrs. Brenner for teaching me to love myself and show me who I really am and what I am destined for.”
Courtney Channel
“The sessions spent with Mrs. Brenner were absolutely without a doubt extremely helpful! As a male soldier seeking help for his marriage, it was comfortable, relaxed and all around wonderful to be able to find the solutions to our problems. Mrs. Brenner has shown and given us the tools to apply and use to reconcile the outcome of our marriage issues. Mrs. Brenner did an excellent, outstanding and amazing job and was very professional. I would recommend anyone having marital problems to seek counseling with Mrs. Brenner.” A proud U.S. soldier ”I have truly enjoyed working with Mrs. Brenner on my issues. She could always make me open my mind to see the better way. My life will always be changed by the sessions I received here. Thank you very much for helping me makes sense of me.”
David Maldonado
“Before Kim I could not handle even a few hours alone. I would become very depressive, feeling that I was worthless, no good and just a waste of space. I would want to crawl in a hole and die. I took teasing to heart and/or thinking that the person teasing me hated me. Also I had an embarrassing trait of speaking like a 4 year old. Now after seeing Kim for 9 short months, I no longer use a baby voice, can shrug off someone teasing me, and have been home alone for 5 days straight without having even one depressive episode. I am also able to speak my mind about things that might be confrontational. I now feel that my thoughts and ideas have weight and are valid. I feel like I am actually an adult and act accordingly.”
” Kim has helped me overcome personal issues in my life. I am stronger, more driven and happier from having her as my therapist.”
“This experience has allowed me to become a better person. Within a matter of just a few months I have been able to let go of so much hurt and pain that has been weighing my life down. Having to deal with my issues instead of suppressing them opened up a positive chapter in my life. My relationship with my husband has improved so much! I am now able to work with my husband in a positive partnership instead of living with him in a hot mess. Kimberly Brenner has truly helped me realize the potential I have as a woman and I can only become a better me from this point forward. Thank you so much.”
U.S. Army Wife
“On my journey with my wife I was to the point of a divorce. But with her counseling, my wife and me are strong as ever, working together and discovering all the problems and yet working them out. Kimberly Brenner helped us out, she is truly caring and will help you figure out the problems and also give you skills to work on your marriage or any other problems you have. She turned my lemons into lemonade. I truly want to thank her for that. Good job Mrs. Brenner.”
USA Soldier, Sgt. Chretien
“Ever since I’ve been coming to counseling I’ve become a better and more mature person. Kimberly has helped me with social and personal problems. I think every teenager needs someone to talk to and this is the perfect place. It helps teens cope with life a lot easier.”
“Kimberly Brenner is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I was overwhelmed and skeptical when my mom suggested that I see a counselor for all the problems I was going through at the time in my life, and I couldn’t urge everyone else enough to reach out to her as well, because she is the real deal. She helped me put my life back in order by putting things into perspective. Over just a few months I had made some major improvements in my life. She is patient and made me feel very comfortable. She creates an environment that I didn’t feel awkward in. I never saw myself speaking to anyone about my personal problems but I am glad I did… She is a true diamond in the rough, and if anyone is considering seeking treatment, this is one person that will do right by you. To her, her patients are individuals and not just insurance holders or dollar signs. I was even able to call her outside of business hours and she was more than willing to help me out. I give her a Five Star recommendation for sure.” Good Luck and Best Wishes!
“Kimberly Brenner’s office feels like home from the moment you walk in. She doesn’t use the “one-size-fits-all” brand of therapy, and uses many different techniques to get to the root of the issues and then helps diligently in overcoming them. I have been seeing her for a few months and the changes in me have been dramatic and very positive. I have a whole new outlook on life and look forward to the sessions to come. Mrs. Brenner really listens and not just looks at the clock and is never too busy to return a phone call. No matter how hard the emotions are to deal with, I know I am not alone. I trust her to help me find my path again, and guide the path of my six year old child who can’t wait to talk to her every week, when he was once terrified to talk to a therapist. I believe this is because she treats him like an individual, unique to the world and talks to him and not just a child sitting before her. She is amazing and I would recommend Kimberly Brenner to everyone I know that needs someone to talk to, no matter what level their problems have reached.”
Ramona C
“When I came to see Kimberly for the first time, I realized that my prayers had been answered. I have been in and out of therapy since I was a teenager and I am 38 now. I suffered from the “What Is Wrong With Me?” syndrome. Kimberly changed that sentence to “What Is Wrong With This Situation?” and my life has never been the same. I can honestly and confidently say that I am healing while living. Just because we are breathing does not mean we are living. I walk with my head up and look people in their eyes – no longer do I carry my shame!”
“To have found Kimberly at a critical stage of my life was a blessing (September 2005-May 2008). I was about 31, and I was tired of being tired of how my life turned into suffering. It is said that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Kimberly has been my teacher. She believed in me, and I needed this. I worked from that point to learn new ways of being. I am so thankful to Kimberly because I have not given up. I apply the knowledge and skills she shared with me so that I can have a life that I can feel happy about. I am very grateful to Kimberly. No words can ever truly express how I feel as the result of Kimberly’s dedication to helping me be the person I was meant to be. Thank you with all my heart. “
Namaste, LHB
“My daughter has shown great improvement since we have been visiting with Mrs. Brenner. The techniques my daughter has been taught have proven to be very effective in her everyday life. The whole family has been positively affected by the changes. I greatly appreciate all Mrs. Brenner has done for my daughter and for me. Our relationship has grown. We are closer then ever.” Thank You
Proud Parent
“Having someone there for me that listened, understood and comforted me made a world of difference and helped me grow and cope with difficult times in my life!”
“I would like to thank Mrs. Brenner for all the help, the listening and the understanding of myself and the needs of my children. Thank you for being there in all our tuff times of need, for all the good advice you have given us, but most of all thank you for being yourself and helping us through all of our bad times, for making a difficult time into a happy and understanding situation. My children have connected with you. They say you are their second mom, the mom with wisdom, and the mom that taught them how to be themselves again and to me that means a great deal. ” Thank you again and may God Bless You Always.
“Kimberly Brenner is passionate about helping others. Her words just open up my mind & eyes to things I did not have clear. She makes us feel so comfortable to open up and express feelings even when you did not know you had them. Coming to see her has been the best choice I made in bringing up my children. It does not mean I am not capable, it just means that there is someone out there willing to walk in your shoes and offer some advice. Even if it means slapping you in the face with a white glove. Learn to be open minded of things you didn’t want to hear. “Big thanks & praise to Mrs. Brenner
Surviving Single Parent
“As a single parent with one child having anxiety issues at a young age life seemed out of control. My daughter and I couldn’t interact. Misbehavior and fighting were “the norm”. Mrs. Brenner helped each of us together and individually to learn to bond, talk, trust and respect one another. The most devastating part for me was to be told that my own child had never bonded with me. It has taken a lot of patience, many battles and tears through our growing experience. We both have found a sense of closure to our issues and take it one day at a time. My daughter and I are closer and we have Mrs. Brenner to thank for that. Her insight, caring and knowledge was a truly a godsend for us.” I am very grateful, “Pulling our my hair” no more
“It is not easy for children to open up and express how they feel. As a mother of four boys – one with bipolar/ADHD it is hard to teach them how to interact and react to each other. Mrs. Brenner was able to teach my son how to interact with other kids of the same age without the anger or outbreaks. It has been a blessing having Mrs. Brenner to go to and learn techniques needed to raise my boys. She has helped our family tremendously and we are grateful for that” A Truly Grateful Family
A Truly Grateful Family
“I had the feeling that my child needed a therapist not only because he had ADHD but because we went through a very hard and difficult time. So I kept looking for the right person for almost a year. Sometimes I got so discouraged and sad because I couldn’t find one but I kept praying and calling places until I was referred to Mrs. Brenner, she is simply AWESOME! After only two sessions my son improved at school, things at home were much better as well as his behavior everywhere else. She is the kind of person in which I can trust, she really knows what she is doing and the best part is I feel that she wants the best for my son. We are doing so much better now and it’s a privilege working with her, she is a blessing in our lives. She is so well prepared to do what she does: HELPING FAMILIES.”
Proud and Single Mom with 2 boys
“We came to Mrs. Brenner with a son gripped by fear, anxiety and depression. Session after session we have grown together as a family and learned to understand each other so much better. Mrs. Brenner is gentle, straightforward and down-to-earth. Her approach opened our eyes, but especially our son’s eyes. He is beaming confidence and is better equipped to handle his emotions and stand up for himself. What a difference she has made! Thank you Mrs. Brenner.”
Seeing the Sunshine after the Storm
“Mrs. Brenner’s office feels like home and I feel like I can talk to her about anything.”
P. O.
“As a single mother of two kids, having to send them to their father who was very traumatizing to them I did not know what to do. Mrs. Brenner helped them and me understand how to communicate to make things better for them. I remember how my son would cry and act out in anger. Now he is respectful and responsible. He has seen Mrs. Brenner for two years now and we will continue when other issues arise. I have recommended her to my clients and friends and all of them have loved the help and support they have received from her. My daughter has become so fond of Mrs. Brenner that she asked if she would officiate my wedding. This is a therapist I trust.”
Leticia Pena
“My name is Lupe Duran and I would like to share with you my journey that almost took my life. I was on the edge of a cliff and felt alone in this world. Until somebody got me by the hand and helped me find my way out of darkness. This is my story on how I was at a dead end and found help to guide me where I am today. My story begins during the time my children already left home and I was going through menopause. I had just retired and found out my husband was having an affair again. I was completely devastated when I heard of the news and felt abandoned and betrayed. I was sure I was going to lose my mind because it was full of anger. Just when I thought things were going to get worse, I met a friend that was going though the same situation. She told me that she went to counseling and it helped her get through her difficult time. I didn’t call Mrs. Brenner at first because I thought I could handle it myself but I found out that it was a big mistake to try and do this alone. So one day I broke down at work and decided to call her because I couldn’t control my emotions any longer. When I met Mrs. Brenner I was still crying and she immediately took me into her arms and assured me that everything was going to be all right. At that moment I felt safer than I had in a long time. I continued on with my sessions and learned so much about myself that I never realized before. She taught me to start seeing things in a different light. She has also prepared me for anything that can come my way in life and given me the ability to make solid decisions. I am very grateful that she came into my life and lifted me up from my darkness. Mrs. Brenner has shown me that life is beautiful and I should enjoy every moment of it. She has made me understand that life will give you good and bad times. But the bad times are there for us to learn from them and make us stronger. Every time I go to my session I always learn something new and it has been a great journey for me. I wish I could tell you every single thing that has changed in my life because of her but this testimony would be as long as the Bible. She has changed me and taught me to take care of myself so that I can take care of others. I hope this story will enlighten those who are going through the same turmoil as I did and seek professional help and start a new life with a new you.”
Lupe Duran
“After 31 years of marriage, I finally had the strength to leave a very dysfunctional relationship. Drug abuse, alcoholism, and both physical and emotional abuse were things that I lived with for so many years and I didn’t think that I was worthy of anything better. During the marriage, I was lonely, unsupported, and never was able to feel like I had any right to have my own needs met, or that I deserved it. I knew I needed counseling because my self-esteem and self-worth were absolutely non-existent. Just making that first step to try to help myself was even more difficult than being in the abusive relationship. I called Kimberly Brenner’s office and lo and behold, she was the person that answered the phone. That was probably the reason I had the courage to walk into her office a few weeks later. What a refreshing surprise to feel so welcomed in her office. Walking through the door of her office made me feel comfortable and safe. Since that day, which was several months ago, I have never felt better about myself. Kimberly Brenner is a therapist that separates you from the traumas of life and makes you look at this bad situation from a different perspective. She takes you away from these bad situations and makes you a stronger person, a person that you like again, and a person that doesn’t need to allow or deserve to be treated badly by anyone. Then you look back at those bad situations and your way thinking has changed. She teaches you things that help change your way of thinking and behavior so that you have the tools to work with towards a future that is positive and filled with promise. Talking to her is like talking to a wise sister or friend that helps you see life through a different pair of eyes while always maintaining a professional therapist-patient relationship. Yes, there is more hard work ahead but I can see that I am capable and strong enough to deal with life, to forgive and have compassion for my ex-husband, and not forget how I got into that dysfunctional relationship. Most importantly, I have gained insight and tools so that I don’t fall back. I look forward to each and every appointment I have with her. She is awesome. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kimberly.”